How To Delete App Store Purchase History
- Dec 20, 2017 - We're often asked how to do the seemingly impossible: Erase history.
- May 19, 2019 - You can hide apps from your purchased list. Show purchases from the last 90 days, but you view the entire account purchase history here.
If you don't see what you're looking for on the Order history page, try using the Show and From filters at the top of the page. If you see unexpected purchases in your order history, see What to do about unexpect charges from Microsoft to get help. On Xbox One: Go to Settings. Select Payments & billing Order history.
So.. Over the period of 2 years owning my beloved iPhone 3GS, I have found many useful apps that I use very frequently. However, in the process of finding these apps, I have also downloaded much, much more crappy apps.
With the introduction of the 'Purchased' section on the App Store, many of the hundreds of apps I downloaded (mostly crappy) have popped up again. The apps are an eyesore and clutter up the whole space. Is there a way for me to delete them (from my account) forever, or at least hide them?
bmike♦How To Delete App Store Purchase History Iphone 7
5 Answers
Sorry but there is no way, at this time, to remove purchased (include free) apps on iTunes AppStore. Same problem with the Mac AppStore.
I've already asked for this feature at iTunes Feedbacks, and you can do the same to make Apple understand what we want.
Why it's neededThe main and inherent problem with always being onlineis that you are too connected. Internet cut off switch. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube video, answering email or IMmessage.
The ability to hide purchases from the iOS app store should cover most real-life situations where you would normally delete a past purchase. It also protects those who have lost control of their accounts and someone maliciously deletes past purchases. The idea that the past is unchangeable, but we wish to hide some items from prominence works for many.
Jaime Santa CruzHow To Delete Purchase History From App Store
iTunes 10.5 is now released and contains this feature. Go to iTunes Store > Purchased > Apps and then you can click the X to Hide purchases.
Note that there is still a new section 'Hidden Purchases' where you can view the ones you've hidden (and the ability to unhide them.)
There is no capability to actually delete a past purchase, just to hide them from view.
bmike♦you can hide any purchased items. Instructions for OS X 10.01/iOS 8/iTunes 12 (though similar to the previous versions).
In the Mac App Store:
- Click Purchases
- Rclick on the app you want to hide
- choose 'Hide Purchase'
In the iTunes store on your iOS Device, slide from right to left and choose hide.
In the iTunes store in iTunes:
- Go to the Apps section of iTunes
- Click 'App Store' (last item)
- Click 'Purchased' (on right, near account info)
- Find app you want to hide and click the 'x' in upper left of icon
- When asked if you want to hide the purchase, click 'Hide'
No, but customer feedback certainly drove this feature and more feedback might bring about the filtering you desire.
I would use recommendations more if I could select some downloads to ignore.
Control over filtering out purchased items from the re-download list would make that feature so much more useful.
Control is always nice, but once one has 300 apps on iTunes and have deleted 100 after never using them again, the list can have a large portion of duds as it stands.
bmike♦bmikeAccording to (How to delete content you've downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store, Last Modified: May 13, 2014)
iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
- Tap and hold the app you want to delete.
- The apps will begin to jiggle.
- Tap the X on the app.
Mac or PC
- Open iTunes.
- From the Library pop-up menu, choose Apps.
- Click the app you want to delete.
- Press Delete on your keyboard.
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Omarlinarez wrote:
'This really makes me grumpy, I want to know how to delete the purchase history as well. I deleted all those apps for a very specific reason, and don't want them showing up again. Apple needs to make a way to delete them permanantly.'
Yes, that would be a great idea but I can see it now.. 'help! I deleted my purchase history and now I can't get that much-needed-now app back. Why do I have to buy it again? Why did Apple allow this? They should fix it so you can't delete your history in case you make a mistake.'
At least you don't have to look at your purchase history daily.
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