Skyrim Console Add Enchantment
- Skyrim Enchantment Console Codes
- Skyrim Console Commands Add Enchantment
- Add Enchantment Console Command Skyrim
Simplest might be to add a location condition where decency law is enforced, basically not in dungeons or player homes - perhaps not outdoors or in inns too, maybe there could be a lenient and strict version - but I'm sure there's already a more elegant check for that built in somewhere.
- 5.Do it again equip the new ring with 200% and use up arrow again to write the text in the console and u got a new ring with 300% 6.Now do this since u think u are high ennough with ur ring.
- Your easiest method is to add an item with the enchantment and then disenchant. If the enchantment is new or one not normally available for enchant/disenchant you must use the CK/TES5Edit to add the enchantment to the proper list. Darkfox127 video to add new enchantments to the game.
Perk Ids, Player.Addperk and How to Reset Perks Using Console Commands
At the moment, there is no simple cheat to automatically reset all of your Perks in Skyrim. I actually prefer the system that is offered, however. With the cheat console, you can remove a Perk and recover a Perk point. It's better for those situations where you need only remove one point you regret spending. This page will teach you this process, and provide the Perk Ids you need to use the player.addperk perkid cheat to give your character any perk you want.
Unfortunately for Xbox 360 and PS3 players, the game doesn't include console cheats. There may be ways to mod it and enable the console, but that's beyond the scope of this article. PC players rejoice!. Not only is your game better looking, you also have more power over the world of Skyrim and your Dovahkiin. Now, let's learn the necessary console commands and Perk Ids to do this.
How to Open Skyrim's Cheat Console
Push the ~tilde key next to the 1 on your keyboard. This opens the console, where you can then type a command and press enter to activate a cheat. You can close it by pressing tilde again or escape.
Use The Help Command to Look Up PerkIDs
The commands to remove and add perks rely on you knowing the PerkID, like many similar cheats in Skyrim. To find the PerkID type Help and a word to search for. Some can be hard to find with one word, such as Novice Restoration - you'd get results for anything with the word novice in it, or the word restoration. Instead, put the specific perk name in quotes. Help 'Novice Restoration' will give you only one result and the PerkID you need. You can use PageUP/PageDown to browse the list of results in the console. There is a full list of PerkIDs in Skyrim further down on this page.
Player.RemovePerk (PerkID)
In order to remove a perk, you need this command. Typing player.removeperk 000153D0 would remove Illusion Dual Casting. Now the perk is gone, but your perk point is not recovered. In order to do so...
Player.Addperk (PerkID)
If you've removed a perk, you have to manually place it elsewhere. There is no cheat to add a single perk point in Skyrim. Instead, use the list below or the help command to find the PerkID and use the player.addperk cheat with the number. Just be honest and only add the number you've removed. That is, unless you want an overpowered game. You should know if you're cheating hardcore that you need the prerequisites for a perk, so you might as well cheat and add them too...
Mage Perks
f2ca6 - Novice Alteration
153cd - Alteration Dual Casting
c44b7 - Apprentice Alteration
53128 - Magic Resistance 1/3
53129 - Magic Resistance 2/3
5312a - Magic Resistance 3/3
c44b8 - Adept Alteration
c44b9 - Expert Alteration
581f7 - Atronach
c44ba - Master Alteration
581fc - Stability
d7999 - Mage Armor 1/3
d799a - Mage Armor 2/3
d799b - Mage Armor 3/3
f2ca7 - Novice Conjuration
c44bb - Apprentice Conjuration
c44bc - Adept Conjuration
c44bd - Expert Conjuration
c44be - Master Conjuration
153ce - Conjuration Dual Casting
640b3 - Mystic Binding
d799e - Soul Stealer
d799c - Oblivion Binding
581dd - Necromancy
581de - Dark Souls
105f30 - Summoner 1/2
105f31 - Summoner 2/2
cb419 - Atromancy
cb41a - Elemental Potency
d5f1c - Twin Souls
f2ca8 - Novice Destruction
c44bf - Apprentice Destruction
c44c0 - Adept Destruction
c44c1 - Expert Destruction
c44c2 - Master Destruction
105f32 - Rune Master
581e7 - Augmented Flames 1/2
10fcf8 - Augmented Flames 2/2
f392e - Intense Flames
581ea - Augmented Frost 1/2
10fcf9 - Augmented Frost 2/2
f3933 - Deep Freeze
58200 - Augmented Shock 1/2
10fcfa - Augmented Shock 2/2
f3f0e - Disnintegrate
153cf - Destruction Dual Casting
153d2 - Impact
bee97 - Enchanter 1/5
c367c - Enchanter 2/5
c367d - Enchanter 3/5
c367e - Enchanter 4/5
c367f - Enchanter 5/5
58f80 - Fire Enchanter
58f81 - Frost Enchanter
58f82 - Storm Enchanter
58f7e - Insightful Enchanter
58f7d - Corpus Enchanter
58f7f - Extra Effect
58f7c - Soul Squeezer
108a44 - Soul Siphon
f2ca9 - Novice Illusion
581e1 - Animage
581e2 - Kindred Mage
581fd - Quiet Casting
c44c3 - Apprentice Illusion
c44c4 - Adept Illusion
c44c5 - Expert Illusion
c44c6 - Master Illusion
59b77 - Hypnotic Gaze
59b78 - Aspect of Terror
c44b5 - Rage
59b76 - Master of the Mind
153d0 - Illusion Dual Casting
f2caa - Novice Restoration
c44c7 - Apprentice Restoration
c44c8 - Adept Restoration
c44c9 - Expert Restoration
c44ca - Master Restoration
581f4 - Recovery 1/2
581f5 - Recovery 2/2
a3f64 - Avoid Death
581f8 - Regeneration
581e4 - Necromage
581f9 - Respite
153d1 - Restoration Dual Casting
68bcc - Ward Absorb
Stealth Perks
be127 - Alchemist 1/5
c07ca - Alchemist 2/5
c07cb - Alchemist 3/5
c07cc - Alchemist 4/5
c07cd - Alchemist 5/5
58215 - Physician
58216 - Benefactor
58218 - Experimenter 1/3
105f2a - Experimenter 2/3
105f2b - Experimenter 3/3
58217 - Poisoner
105f2f - Concentrated Poison
105f2e - Green Thumb
105f2c - Snakeblood
5821d - Purity
Light Armor
be123 - Agile Defender 1/5
79376 - Agile Defender 2/5
79389 - Agile Defender 3/5
79391 - Agile Defender 4/5
79392 - Agile Defender 5/5
51b1b - Custom Fit
51b17 - Matching Set
51b1c - Unhindered
105f22 - Wind Walker
107831 - Deft Movement
f392a - Novice Locks
be125 - Apprentice Locks
106259 - Quick Hands
107830 - Wax Key
c3680 - Adept Locks
c3681 - Expert Locks
5820a - Golden Touch
105f26 - Treasure Hunter
58208 - Locksmith
58209 - Unbreakable
c3682 - Master Locks
be124 - Light Fingers 1/5
18e6a - Light Fingers 2/5
18e6b - Light Fingers 3/5
18e6c - Light Fingers 4/5
18e6d - Light Fingers 5/5
58202 - Night Thief
58204 - Cutpurse
d79a0 - Keymaster
58201 - Misdirection
58205 - Perfect Touch
96590 - Extra Pockets
105f28 - Poisoned
be126 - Stealth 1/5
c07c6 - Stealth 2/5
c07c7 - Stealth 3/5
c07c8 - Stealth 4/5
c07c9 - Stealth 5/5
58210 - Backstab
1036f0 - Deadly Aim
58211 - Assassin's Blade
58213 - Muffled Movement
5820c - Light Foot
105f23 - Silent Roll
105f24 - Silence
58214 - Shadow Warrior
be128 - Haggling 1/5
c07ce - Haggling 2/5
c07cf - Haggling 3/5
c07d0 - Haggling 4/5
c07d1 - Haggling 5/5
58f75 - Allure
58f7a - Merchant
58f7b - Investor
58f79 - Fence
1090a5 - Master Trader
58f72 - Bribery
1090a2 - Persuasion
105f29 - Intimidation
Warrior Perks
babed - Overdraw 1/5
7934a - Overdraw 2/5
7934b - Overdraw 3/5
7934d - Overdraw 4/5
79354 - Overdraw 5/5
105f1c - Critical Shot 1/3
105f1e - Critical Shot 2/3
105f1f - Critical Shot 3/3
51b12 - Hunter's Discipline
58f63 - Ranger
58f61 - Eagle Eye
58f62 - Power Shot
105f19 - Quick Shot
103ada - Steady Hand 1/2
103adb - Steady Hand 2/2
58f64 - Bullseye
bccae - Shield Wall 1/5
79355 - Shield Wall 2/5
79356 - Shield Wall 3/5
79357 - Shield Wall 4/5
79358 - Shield Wall 5/5
58f68 - Deflect Arrows
58f69 - Elemental Protection
106253 - Block Runner
58f67 - Power Bash
5f594 - Deadly Bash
58f66 - Disarming Bash
58f6a - Shield Charge
d8c33 - Quick Reflexes
Heavy Armor
bcd2a - Juggernaut 1/5
7935e - Juggernaut 2/5
79361 - Juggernaut 3/5
79362 - Juggernaut 4/5
79374 - Juggernaut 5/5
58f6e - Fists of Steel
bcd2b - Cushioned
58f6d - Conditioning
58f6f - Well Fitted
58f6c - Tower of Strength
107832 - Matching Set
105f33 - Reflect Blows
One Handed
babe4 - Armsman 1/5
79343 - Armsman 2/5
79342 - Armsman 3/5
79344 - Armsman 4/5
79345 - Armsman 5/5
5f56f - Bladesman 1/3
c1e90 - Bladesman 2/3
c1e91 - Bladesman 3/3
5f592 - Bone Breaker 1/3
c1e92 - Bone Breaker 2/3
c1e93 - Bone Breaker 3/3
106256 - Dual Flurry 1/2
106257 - Dual Flurry 2/2
106258 - Dual Savagery
52d50 - Fighting Stance
cb406 - Critical Charge
3af81 - Savage Strike
3afa6 - Paralyzing Strike
3fffa - Hack and Slash 1/3
c3678 - Hack and Slash 2/3
c3679 - Hack and Slash 3/3
cb40d - Steel Smithing
5218e - Arcane Blacksmithing
cb40e - Dwarven Smithing
cb410 - Orcish Smithing
cb412 - Ebony Smithing
cb413 - Daedric Smithing
cb40f - Elven Smithing
cb414 - Advanced Armors
cb411 - Glass Smithing
52190 - Dragon Armor
Two Handed
babe8 - Barbarian 1/5
79346 - Barbarian 2/5
79347 - Barbarian 3/5
79348 - Barbarian 4/5
79349 - Barbarian 5/5
52d51 - Champion's Stance
52d52 - Devastating Blow
cb407 - Great Critical Charge
3af9e - Sweep
3afa7 - Warmaster
3af83 - Deep Wounds 1/3
c1e94 - Deep Wounds 2/3
c1e95 - Deep Wounds 3/3
c5c05 - Limbsplitter 1/3
c5c06 - Limbsplitter 2/3
c5c07 - Limbsplitter 3/3
3af84 - Skullcrusher 1/3
c1e96 - Skullcrusher 2/3
c1e97 - Skullcrusher 3/3
More Cheats
To see common cheat-type console commands, see this list of cheats for Skyrim.
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No new entries may be made.There is a lot going on underneath the hood of Skyrim, and if you are feeling a bit technical you can start messing around with the game’s functions by using Skyrim console commands and cheats in the game’s developer console. With a few commands, you can instantly complete quests, teleport across the world, or even access spells that never made it into the final version of the game. So whether, you want to skip through some of the game’s busywork, drastically alter your character build, or nerf the living daylights out of a giant, we’ve got the Skyrim console commands for you.
We’ve brought together all of the commands and cheats that can be used in Skyrim in one handy list as well as a quick guide to correctly entering them. You will also notice that our list is broken down into a a few key categories starting with basic and fun cheats and working down towards some more granular tweaks you can employ.
Just be sure to check out what each console command does before popping it into the developer console – you know what they say: with great Skyrim console commands, comes great responsibility.
How do you enter Skyrim commands?
To use Skyrim’s commands, you’ll need to open the developer console screen. This is easily done by tapping the tilde (~) key, which can be found under the Esc key, and just to the left of the 1 key on an American English keyboard. If you’re using a British English keyboard, you’ll need to tap the grave (`) key, which is located in the same place.
When typing in console commands, remember that commands are not case sensitive, so don’t worry about caps lock. You’ll find that many commands will have a section that says something like<itemID><#>. In these cases, do not type the<> brackets, nor the #. Instead, type out the name of the item you want, and follow up by replacing the # with thenumberof items you require.
For example:
player .addItem<ItemID> <#>
is the command to add new items to your inventory. If you wanted to add 100 gold to your inventory, you’d type in
player .additem 00000f 100
Some commands require an item to be targeted. To do this, open the console, and then click on the object. The name of the targeted object will then appear in the middle of the screen.
Skyrim PC cheats
Toggle Immortal Mode
Turns on and off immortal mode. You character will still take damage, but cannot be killed.
Toggle God Mode
Turns God Mode on and off. Grants infinite health, magicka, and stamina. Carry weight does not affect movement speed or fast travel ability.
Kill Target
Instantly kills the target. Will not work on ‘essential’ NPCs.
Skyrim money cheats
Add gold to Inventory
player .additem 00000f 100
Adds 100 gold to your inventory. Replace 100 with the amount of your choice for more or less gold.
Skyrim NPC Commands
Resurrect <#>
Brings a dead NPC back to life. Using <1> resurrects them with all items intact. Using no number removes the corpse and creates a fresh copy of the NPC.
Empty Inventory
Removes all items from the target’s inventory. Add <player> to transfer all items to your own inventory.
Add Item
additem <ItemID> <#>
Adds an item to the target’s inventory.
Set NPC Level
setlevel <1>,<2>,<3>,<4>
Sets the level of a targeted NPC. Because of Skyrim’s scaling level system, this one is a little tricky. You need to assign four values. Each number is:
1: <% of PC’s level * 10> The NPC’s level in comparison to player, based on % of players level. (1000 = 100.0%)
2: <1 level +/-> How many levels this NPC will be above or below the level in 1.
3: <starting level> The lowest level this NPC can be.
4: <level cap> The highest level this NPC can be.
Skyrim Toggle Commands
Toggle Run mode
Switches between run and walk modes.
Toggle Grass
Turns grass on and off.
Toggle Trees
Turns trees on and off.
Toggle Water Display
Turns water display on and off when not underwater.
Toggle Framework Border
Turns the framework border on and off.
Toggle Skybox
Turns skyboxes and fog effects on and off.
Toggle Map Regions
Turns unexplored areas on the local map on and off.
Toggle Level of Detail
Toggles between settings of Level of Detail.
Toggle Image Settings
Turns taxing image settings such as blur on and off.
Toggle Script Processing
Turns script processing on and off.
Toggle Collision
Toggles clipping for a targeted item. If you have become stuck on an item, targeting the item and using this command will let you move through it.
Toggle Menus
Turns interface menus on and off. Will completely remove the HUD.
Toggle Freefly Camera
Turns free-flying camera on and off. Type tfc1 to also pause the game.
Toggle Artificial Intelligence
Turns artificial intelligence on and off. Characters will not react to you.
Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence
Turns combat AI on and off. Characters may become hostile, but will not attack. Combine with TAI command to completely disable NPCs.
Toggle Detection
Toggles AI detection. This will not stop pickpocket detection.
Toggle Player Control
Turns on and off control of an NPC. To use, target an NPC and type the command. The NPC will now be controlled, and player will have command of both their character and the NPC simultaneously.
Toggle Map Markers
tmm <#>
Turns map markers on and off. <0> disables all, <1> enables all, <1,0,1> shows all, no fast travel.
Skyrim Item Commands
Equip Item
equipitem <itemID> <#> <left/right>
Forces a target to equip an item that’s in their inventory. Select which hand they use by deleting <left/right> as applicable.
Equip Spell
Equipspell <SpellID> <left/right>
Forces a target to equip a spell. Spells cannot be acquired using the command, so they must already be known by the target.
Unequip Item
Unequipitem <ItemID> <#><left/right>
Forces the target to unequip an item they are using.
Make an NPC mortal/immortal
setessential <BaseID> <#>
Sets the mortality of the target. Use <0> for mortal, or <1> for immortal.
Makes a target disappear. The target will still be loaded in the cell, but will not be visible.
Makes a disabled target re-appear.
Permanently deletes a targeted item. This removes the target entirely, rather than just making them disappear.
Set Ownership
Allows you to make an item ownerless. When picked up, the don’t become owned by the player.
Unlocks a targeted chest or door.
lock <#>
Locks a chest, door, or person. The # value is the level of lock difficulty, between 0-100. Anything higher than 100 is an unpickable lock.
Resurrect <#>
Brings a dead NPC back to life. Using <1> resurrects them with all items intact. Using no number removes the corpse and creates a fresh copy of the NPC.
Empty Inventory
Removes all items from the target’s inventory. Add <player> to transfer all items to your own inventory.
Gender Change
Changes the gender of the targeted NPC, or the player character. Will change the body shape, but not the head and face.
Add Item
additem <ItemID> <#>
Adds an item to the target’s inventory.
Set NPC Level
setlevel <1>,<2>,<3>,<4>
Sets the level of a targeted NPC. Because of Skyrim’s scaling level system, this one is a little tricky. You need to assign four values. Each number is:
1: <% of PC’s level * 10> The NPC’s level in comparison to player, based on % of players level. (1000 = 100.0%)
2: <1 level +/-> How many levels this NPC will be above or below the level in 1.
3: <starting level> The lowest level this NPC can be.
4: <level cap> The highest level this NPC can be.
Set Scale
setscale <#>
Sets the scale of a targeted object. If nothing is targeted, it applies to your character. When applied to a character, it increases or decreases speed and damage.
Teleport NPC
moveto player
Teleports an NPC to you.
Set Player Relationship
player.setrelationshiprank <RefID> <#>
Changes the relationship between a player and an NPC, which alters their disposition to you. Replace # with numbers 1-4.
Add or Take items from NPC Inventory
openactorcontainer <#>
Certain actor NPCs will have different items depending on their faction ranking. Use this command, replacing # with 1-4 depending on the actor’s rank status. This will allow you access to their inventory.
Return Position
GetPos <axis>
Returns the position value of the target. Replace <axis> with the x,y,z values of the axis required. This is useful for positioning items precisely.
Set Position
SetPos <axis> <#>
Sets the position value of the target. Replace <axis> with the x,y,z values of the axis required. This is useful for positioning items precisely.
Return Angle
GetAngle <axis>
Returns the rotational axis of the target. Replace <axis> with the x,y,z values of the axis required. This is useful for positioning items precisely.
Set Angle
SetAngle <axis> <#>
Sets the rotational axis of the target. Replace <axis> with the x,y,z values of the axis required. This is useful for positioning items precisely.
Skyrim Quest Commands
Get Current Stage
GetStage <QuestID>
Gets the current quest stage for the chosen quest.
Display Quest Stages
player.sqs <quest id>
Shows all the stages of a quest.
Set Quest Stage completed/uncompleted
SetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <stage> <1 to set, 0 to unset>
Sets a quest stage as either completed or uncompleted.
Set Quest Stage
SetStage <quest id> <stage value>
Sets a quest to a specific stage. Useful for if a quest has glitched.
Move to Target
movetoqt <QuestID>
Moves you to the target of the quest.
Show all current Quests
Shows all current quest IDs.
Complete All Quests
Completes all stages of every quest. (Buggy and not recommended)
Complete Quest
CompleteQuest <QuestID>
Completes a quest.
Skyrim Player Commands
Unlock Shout
player.unlockword <shoutID>
Unlocks a Dragon Shout to be used by the player.
Add Shout
Addshout <ShoutID>
Adds a Shout to the player’s skill list. The shout must first be unlocked.
Change Race
SetPlayerRace <Raceid>
Changes the race of your character
Set Race
Player.SetRace <RaceID>
A slight variant on Change Race, this allows you to become a race not available in character creation, such as a dragon by using DragonRace as the raceID.
Adjust Field of View
fov <#>
Allows you to set the field of view. Default setting is 75, and maximum setting is 160.
Set Free-Flying Camera Speed
sucsm <#>
Sets the speed of the free-flying camera. Default setting is 1. Setting 2 will double the speed, setting 0.5 will half the speed.
Camera Angles
Allows you to change the angle of the camera without changing the direction your character is facing. Keeps camera movement independant of character movement.
Activate both 1st and 3rd person views
While in third person view, the character’s arms will still display behind the player character, allowing you to be in both first and third person simultaneously. Because you’re a mad person.
Open Character Customisation Menu
Opens up a character menu showing magicka, stamina, and health. You can make changes to your character from this menu.
Add Perk
player.addperk <PerkID>
Adds a specified perk to your character.
Remove Perk
player.removeperk <PerkID>
Removes a perk. Note: will not refund the point spent to unlock perk.
Add Spell
player.addspell <variable>
Adds a specified spell, disease, or power to your abilities. Can be used to add spells that are in the game’s code but not actually used, such as the Conjure Dragon Priest spell.
Remove Spell
Player.removespell <variable>
Removes a spell, disease, or power from the player.
Skyrim Enchantment Console Codes
Add Item to Inventory
player.additem <ItemID> <#>
Adds an item to your inventory.
Remove Item from Inventory
player.removeitem <ItemID> <#>
Removed an item from your inventory.
Drop Item
player.drop <ItemID> <#>
Will drop the specified item on the floor.
List Inventory
Lists all items in your inventory, along with their itemID codes. Use PgUp and PgDwn to scroll the list.
Add Bounty
player.setcrimegold <#> <FactionID>
Adds a specific amount of gold to the bounty you have with a specific faction.
Pay Bounty
player.paycrimegold <X> <Y> <FactionID>
Removes the bounty on your head. The X value needs to be changed to <1> to remove items you have stolen, or <0> to keep them. The Y value needs to be set to <1> to go to jail, or <0> to not go to jail.
Set Player Level
player.setlevel <#>
Sets your current character level to any given value.
Teach Word of Power
player.teachword <WOOP>
Teaches your character a World of Power.
Set Actor Value
player.setav <AV> <#>
Sets the Actor Value to any given value.
Modify Actor Value
player.modav <AV> <+/-#>
Modifies the Actor Value by a given value.
Place Item
player.placeatme <Item/NPCID> <#>
Places an item or actor next to the player.
Add Enchanted Object
playerEnchantObject <ItemID> <mgef> <mgef>
Adds an item to your inventory with two magic effects.
Increase Skill Points
IncPCS <AVskill>
Increases skill points in a given field by one point.
Give Skill Points
AdvSkill <AV> <#>
Gives the player a specified amount of skill points to use.
Player Spell Book
Unlocks all spells and shouts, including ones that were not used as part of the final Skyrim game.
Level Up
Forces the player to level up. Character will only level up, you won’t be able to choose a new perk.
Enable Control in Cinematics
Enables player control during cinematic cutscenes.
Give Dragon Souls
player.forceav dragonsouls #
Gives the player a specified amount of Dragon Souls to use.
Skyrim Other Commands
Add NPC to Faction
Addfac <FactionID> <#>
Adds a selected NPC to a Faction. A 1-4 rank can be assigned by replacing #.
Remove NPC from Faction
RemoveFac <FactionID>
Removes a selected NPC from a Faction.
Skyrim Console Commands Add Enchantment
Set Follower Count
set playerfollowercount to <#>
Sets the amount of followers for the player. Setting to 0 clears all followers and allows you to recruit.
Set NPC as Reference
Prid <RefID>
Sets an NPC as a reference, which can then be used with other commands. Useful for when the NPC cannot be seen, such as in glitched quests.
Execute a .bat
bat <name of text file>
Executes a .bat file for batch commands.
Show All Commands and Descriptions
help <“Object name”> <#>
Shows all descriptions and itemIDs for searched items. For example, searching for “orcish armour” will show all items with ‘orcish armour’ in the name. # sets the limit for search, with 0 having no limits, and 4 demanding an exact match.
Quits the game instantly.
Kill all NPCs
Kills all non-essential NPCs in the local area.
Set Time Scale
set timescale to <#>
Sets the rate of time passage in the game. 20 is the default, and 1 is real-time.
Set Weather
sw <WeatherID>
Sets the current climate to the desired weather patterns.
Skyrim movement commands
Add Enchantment Console Command Skyrim
Centre on Cell
coc <CellID>
Teleports you to the centre of the cell.
Centre on World
cow Tamriel <Coordinates>
Teleports you to the specified coordinated.
NPC Corpse Clean up
Holds the bodies of NPCs that have died.
Move to NPC
player.moveto <NPCrefID>
Moves you to the location of an NPC.
Looking to make even more changes to Skyrim? Why not try modding with our pick of the 100 best Skyrim mods, which includes everything from bard bears and Dwemer Dogs, to UI overhauls and immersive weather effects.
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- Skyrim console commands
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